Lost cat or dog? You can contact your city or county animal control here.



Monday, June 10, 2024
A Guide to Understanding and Preparing for Seasonal Pests in Denver   Denver, with its unique climate that encompasses warm summers and cold winters, experiences a variety of seasonal pests throughout the year. Each season brings a new set of challenges for homeowners looking to protect their properties from unwelcome visitors. Understanding the seasonal patterns […]

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Sunday, January 8, 2017
Serving the Denver Metro Area from Castle Rock to Boulder Signs You Have Wasps Hive: Per structure May have exposed hexagonal cells Yellow jacket hive is half-football shapes Sightings: Some species are more than an inch long Often striped May aggressively fly around and land on your plate to feed Less furry than bees Doesn’t […]

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Monday, March 9, 2015
If you are out in your yard or at a park for a picnic and you see a medium-size insect buzzing around, you might be afraid that it’s a wasp. And with good reason, the yellowjacket type of wasp accounts for 90% of all insect stings that people seek treatment for in Colorado. These insects […]

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Wasps can be effective at controlling other pest insects, but they can also become nuisance pests themselves when sizable colonies develop. Unlike bees, which feed on nectar and pollen, and generally establish themselves away from residential areas, wasps feed on other insects, and they often colonize spaces around homes and other man-made structures. This brings […]

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Did you suddenly notice you have a wasp problem? Did your recent barbecue get disrupted? Do you see them every time you go outside now? Are they beginning to swarm kids with popsicles and ice cream? Don’t wait until someone gets stung—now is the time for wasp removal. Wasps in Denver and other places along […]

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Mice can contaminate food-preperation areas with their feces and can cause severe damage to structures.

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Here are the signs you should be looking for to identify new pest problems this season.

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We offer all the pest control services you need, including prevention, removal, and extermination.

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