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Monday, June 24, 2024
Addressing Common Myths About Pest Control and Offering Factual Insights   When it comes to pest control, misinformation can lead to ineffective practices, wasted resources, and in some cases, worsening pest problems. Dispelling these myths is crucial for homeowners to approach pest control effectively and safely. This article addresses some of the most persistent myths […]

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Monday, June 10, 2024
A Guide to Understanding and Preparing for Seasonal Pests in Denver   Denver, with its unique climate that encompasses warm summers and cold winters, experiences a variety of seasonal pests throughout the year. Each season brings a new set of challenges for homeowners looking to protect their properties from unwelcome visitors. Understanding the seasonal patterns […]

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Monday, May 27, 2024
Exploring the Benefits of Professional Pest Control Versus DIY Methods In the battle against household pests, homeowners are often faced with a choice: to call in the professionals or to tackle the problem with do-it-yourself (DIY) methods. While DIY approaches can be tempting due to perceived cost savings and immediate action, the benefits of professional […]

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Friday, January 23, 2015
Ants are attracted to sugar for the same reason we are: it’s a dense source of energy that’s relatively rare in nature. If you’ve ever watched ants running around your yard, you get the idea that ants need a lot of energy. Not as much energy as bees, to be sure, but still a lot. […]

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Saturday, January 3, 2015
Ticks are arachnids. That is, they are close relatives of spiders, but they are not spiders. They are blood-sucking parasites that come in hundreds of different types, of which only a few are of concern to humans. But those that are of concern have to be treated very seriously because they can carry disease. Anatomy […]

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Thursday, October 30, 2014
There are a number of cricket species in Colorado, but the types most commonly encountered around (and sometimes in) homes are the “singing” black crickets often referred to as field crickets. While field crickets that wander into homes generally do not reproduce and are not considered pests, they can become an annoyance—especially when you’re trying […]

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Friday, October 3, 2014
Insects in the home can be a mere annoyance, but some bugs and other pests may damage your house or pose a health risk to you and your family members if they are allowed to establish themselves. Following are some tips to prevent insects from invading your home. If you have a pest problem, or […]

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Saturday, August 2, 2014
In Colorado, most ants that make it into homes are wingless workers that are searching for food or water. However, some types of ants found along the Front Range and throughout the state can become problematic pests if they begin to nest in your home. Colorado Ants Thanks to its geographical location, Colorado is home […]

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Cicadas may not wreak the devastating effects of locusts, with which they are often confused, but these seasonal pests can damage some Colorado trees and shrubs when large populations emerge. Cicadas vs. Locusts Cicadas, particularly the periodical cicadas of the 13-year and 17-year varieties, are sometimes mistakenly referred to in America as locusts. This error […]

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Although the much-maligned periodical cicadas also known as 17-year and 13-year “locusts” primarily exist east of Colorado, the Centennial State is home to a number of cicada species, a couple of which may be considered pests due to their ability to damage plants. In Colorado, cicadas are heard more often than seen. Of the 26 […]

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Mice can contaminate food-preperation areas with their feces and can cause severe damage to structures.

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Here are the signs you should be looking for to identify new pest problems this season.

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We offer all the pest control services you need, including prevention, removal, and extermination.

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