Make us your FIRST CHOICE not your LAST OPTION

Problem with Mice?

If you have mice. APCS recommends treating until the activity has
decreased to a minimum.

Once activity is minimal APCS recommends sealing off any possible entry points.

Learn more

Make us your FIRST CHOICE not your LAST OPTION

Problem with Voles?

Voles reproduce quickly. The quickest way to get rid of them is by terminating them. However there are repellent options as well.

Do you think you might have voles?

Learn more

Make us your FIRST CHOICE not your LAST OPTION

Problem with Squirrels?

Trapping and removing squirrels is the only recommendation APCS has for squirrels.

Take care of your squirrel infestation before they chew through their way into your home.

Learn more

Lost cat or dog? You can contact your city or county animal control here.



Vole Extermination in the Denver Explained

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Vole Removal Denver

The Growing Need for Professional Vole Extermination Services

In the Denver Metro area, the presence and proliferation of voles have become a significant concern for homeowners and businesses alike. Voles, often confused with moles or field mice, are small rodents known for their burrowing habits, which can cause extensive damage to gardens, lawns, and even the structural integrity of buildings. The landscape and climate of the Denver Metro area create an ideal habitat for these creatures, leading to their increased activity and the consequent need for professional extermination services.

Vole Behavior and Impact on Denver Metro Properties

Voles are primarily herbivores and feed on grasses, plants, and roots. Their feeding habits can ruin lawns, gardens, and landscaping, leading to costly repairs and maintenance. Furthermore, their burrowing can disrupt the root systems of plants and trees, causing long-term damage to the local flora. The climate of Denver, with its cold winters and warm summers, contributes to the cyclic population growth of voles, making their management a perennial challenge for residents.

Comprehensive Approach to Vole Control by Animal and Pest Control Specialist

Animal and Pest Control Specialist, a renowned service provider in the Denver Metro area, offers comprehensive vole extermination services tailored to the unique challenges presented by these rodents. Their approach involves a combination of methods that eliminate current infestations and prevent future occurrences. This includes habitat modification, repellents, trapping, and, when necessary, the safe and humane use of rodenticides.

Sub-Service: Integrated Pest Management for Long-Term Solutions

Alongside direct extermination, Animal and Pest Control Specialists emphasize the importance of integrated pest management (IPM). IPM is a holistic approach that involves assessing the environmental factors contributing to vole infestations and implementing strategies to alter these conditions. This can include modifying landscaping practices, implementing natural predator support, and educating property owners on best practices for deterring voles.

FAQs on Vole Extermination in Denver Metro

What makes voles a significant pest in the Denver Metro area?

Voles are adept at surviving and thriving in the Denver climate, and their burrowing habits can cause extensive damage to lawns, gardens, and the structural integrity of properties.

What are some signs of a vole infestation?

Indicators of vole presence include visible burrows, runways in grassy areas, gnaw marks on plants and tree bases, and uprooted plants.

How does Animal and Pest Control Specialist manage vole infestations?

They employ a combination of habitat modification, repellents, trapping, safe rodenticides, and integrated pest management strategies for long-term control.

Are the methods used for vole extermination safe for pets and children?

Animal and Pest Control Specialists prioritize safety, using humane and environmentally friendly methods and ensuring that all treatments are safe for pets and children when used.

Can homeowners prevent vole infestations?

Yes, homeowners can significantly reduce the likelihood of vole infestations through landscape modifications, proper yard maintenance, and implementing natural deterrents.

Ensuring a Vole-Free Environment in Denver Metro

Animal and Pest Control Specialists remain dedicated to providing the Denver Metro community with effective and sustainable solutions for vole control. By understanding the behavior of voles and employing a multifaceted approach to their management, they ensure a healthier, safer, and more beautiful environment for all residents. With their expertise and commitment to excellence, they stand as a pillar in the community for pest control and wildlife management.

Preventing Indoor Plant Pests: Your Ultimate Guide

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Ever walked into your living room, coffee in hand, only to find your favorite fern looking like it’s had a rough night? Maybe the leaves are drooping, there’s a weird stickiness on the table, or worse—there’s a tiny bug party happening on the stems. Welcome to the world of common houseplant pests, a place where the tiniest creatures can cause the biggest dramas.

Denver’s got its share of these minuscule marauders. First up are aphids—those green or black critters with a sweet tooth for your plant’s sap. They’re like the vampires of the plant world. Then you’ve got spider mites, so small you’ll need a magnifying glass to spot them. But their handiwork is hard to miss: they weave fine webs all over your plant like they’re trying to wrap up a gift—which, trust me, your plant did not ask for.

Now, mealybugs, they’re another story. These little fluff balls can make your plant look like it’s been dusted with tiny bits of cotton. Cute? Nope. They’re sap-sucking pests that leave a sticky mess behind. And let’s not forget about scale insects—these guys are the sneaky, undercover agents of the pest world. They cling to your plants and blend right in, making them tough to spot until they’ve done a good chunk of damage.

Catching these guys early is super important. Yellowing leaves, spots, or unexpected leaf drop? Yeah, that could be the work of these unwelcome visitors. And if your plant is looking more wilted than an unwatered wilt-lettuce despite proper care, you might have a pest situation on your hands.

But here’s a pro tip: get to know what healthy looks like for your plants. That way, when something’s off, you’ll notice it straight away. It’s like knowing your best friend’s mood just by the way they say “hello”—you can tell when your plant is saying “help me!” in its own leafy language.

When you do find signs of pests, act fast. The longer you wait, the more they eat, reproduce, and turn your plant sanctuary into their own personal buffet. And trust me, they don’t clean up after themselves.

So, what can you do? First, isolate the patient—move the affected plant away from its buddies to stop the spread. Clean the leaves with a soft cloth, maybe give it a gentle shower, and consider using an organic treatment to send those pests packing.

And remember, these pests didn’t just randomly pick your plant out of a lineup. They’re always on the lookout for the best food sources and living conditions. It’s like your plant put up a five-star Yelp review without you knowing. Cut off their supply by keeping your plants robust, and they’ll move on to easier targets.

Getting to Know the Bug Bunch

Picture this: you’re in Denver, where the Rockies meet the plains, and even your living room is a lush, verdant retreat from that mile-high sunshine. Your leafy pals thrive indoors with you, but guess what? You’re not the only one who thinks they’re the bee’s knees. Some little critters fancy them too, and they’re not shy about settling in.

Let’s meet these freeloading fiends, shall we? First off, there’s the aphid squad – tiny green guys who throw sap-sucking parties on your plants. Then, those mealybugs – they look like someone dropped tiny bits of cotton all over your plants. Sneaky as they are, they leave a sticky mess that’s a dead giveaway. And don’t get me started on spider mites; they spin webs so fine you’d think your plants are getting ready for Halloween all year round.

Now, I know this might sound like a cast of characters from a bad gardeners’ horror flick, but understanding these pests is the first step to beating them at their own game. You see, these critters are the Bonnie and Clydes of the plant world, and they can turn your indoor jungle into a ghost town if you’re not watching.

So, how do you catch them red-handed? Look out for the signs: your plant’s leaves might go from vibrant green to sickly yellow, get sticky, or you might spot some fine webbing. And the plants themselves can go from perky to droopy quicker than you can say ‘Denver Nuggets’. That’s your cue to step in.

The trick is to keep your eyes peeled. A once-over when you water or whisper sweet nothings to your plant buddies can make all the difference. You’ll want to look under the leaves, around the stems – basically, think of it as giving your plants a regular check-up.

But here’s the thing – these pests don’t just appear out of thin air. They hitch a ride on new plants, drift in through open windows, or tag along on your clothes. It’s like your home is a five-star hotel, and they’re looking for a free stay. Be savvy about who (or what) you bring into your plant sanctuary.

If you do spot trouble, don’t panic. There’s a whole arsenal of weapons at your disposal, and I’m not just talking chemicals that’ll make your head spin. But more on that later. For now, just remember – the best offense is a good defense. Keeping your plants healthy is like giving them a suit of armor against these buggy invaders.

Natural Ways to Prevent Pests on Indoor Plants

You’ve got this green haven in your Denver home, a spot where the plants are more than decor; they’re like family. But then, pests. These unwelcome squatters can turn your leafy paradise into a scene straight out of a plant horror story. Now, prevention isn’t just a fancy word your doctor throws around; it’s your secret weapon in keeping your green buddies safe. Let’s talk about turning your home into Fort Knox for pests and preventing pests on plants.

Cleanliness is Next to Plant-Godliness

Imagine walking into a room that’s sparkling clean. Feels good, right? Your plants think so too. They don’t have the luxury of picking up a broom and giving their leaves a good dusting, so that’s where you step in. Regular leaf massages with a damp cloth can do wonders. It’s like a spa day for them – you’re wiping away the dust, and with it, any sneaky pests trying to bunk there.

And, oh! Dead leaves or faded flowers? They might add a rustic look, but they’re like a neon vacancy sign for pests. Snip them off. Your plant will thank you with the best blooms and foliage it can muster.

Natural Remedies: The Plant’s Elixir

Now, when you’ve got pests gatecrashing your indoor jungle, you don’t always have to go full terminator with chemicals. Mother Nature’s got your back. Neem oil – think of it as the Swiss Army knife of plant care. A dab here and there, and you’re disrupting the pest’s all-you-can-eat buffet without the collateral damage that harsher chemicals can cause.

Insecticidal soaps are another ace up your sleeve. They’re like the bouncers of the plant world, showing pests the door without the nasty aftermath. Plus, you’re keeping it eco-friendly, which is always a high-five for Mother Earth.

Humidity: The Invisible Shield

Denver might have its mood swings with weather, but inside your home, you’re the weather god. Your plants dig a certain vibe when it comes to humidity. Too dry, and they’re putting out the welcome mat for spider mites. Too moist, and you’re throwing a fungus gnats party. The sweet spot is somewhere in the middle, where your plants are grooving, and pests are losing.

Consider investing in a humidifier or a dehumidifier – whichever flips the script on pests. It’s like setting up an invisible barrier; pests will hit it, bounce back, and think twice before coming at your green pals again.

Identifying the Soft Targets in Your Indoor Jungle

When it comes to the indoor plant scene in Denver, not all plants are created equal – especially in the eyes (or rather, the stomachs) of pests. Like a thief with a taste for diamonds, pests have a knack for spotting the more ‘vulnerable’ plants in your collection.

Spotting the Usual Suspects

Some plants seem to roll out the red carpet for pests. It’s as if they have a sign saying “All bugs welcome here!” Tender, lush, and often with a thin skin, these plants are the snack bars of the pest world. We’re talking about the likes of your beloved African violets, the ever-popular fiddle-leaf figs, or those succulent succulents that everyone raves about. They’re not just attractive to you and me; they’re a bug’s idea of a five-star meal.

Location, Location, and… Location?

Yep, it’s not just real estate where this mantra holds true. Place a susceptible plant in a low-light, poorly ventilated corner, and you might as well send out invitations to the next pest party. Pests are like those unwanted house guests who love to settle where they’re not disturbed. The corner behind your bookshelf or that cozy nook by the bathroom can become a hotspot for pest activity if you’re not careful.

Special Care for the Favorites

If your green family includes these pest magnets, think of them as the VIPs in need of extra security. Keeping them away from the crowd – in this case, your less vulnerable plants – could prevent a mass pest exodus from one plant to another. It’s a bit like social distancing; sometimes, it’s the best way to keep everyone safe.

Regular check-ups are crucial. Get up close and personal with your plants. Peek under the leaves, check the soil, and if you spot something suspicious – act fast! It’s the plant equivalent of catching a cold; you want to nip it in the bud before it becomes full-blown plant pneumonia.

Batten Down the Hatches

Your plant’s weaknesses don’t have to be its downfall. You can create an environment that tilts the odds in your plant’s favor. It’s about being proactive, not reactive. Adjust the lighting, the airflow, and the company your plant keeps. With these steps, you’re not just growing plants; you’re building an ecosystem that stands up to pests.

Choosing Your Indoor Plant Defenders Wisely

In the lush indoor gardens of Denver homes, where the Rocky Mountain air meets urban living, the well-being of our cherished greenery is paramount. When unwanted critters come knocking, reaching for the right bottle on the shelf can mean the difference between a thriving plant and a chemical casualty.

Selecting the Perfect Armor

Think of pesticides and insecticides like a tailored suit – it has to fit just right. Use the wrong size, and you’re in for discomfort, or worse, a fashion disaster. Similarly, apply the wrong chemical to your plant, and you’ll see quickly how unforgiving nature can be. You want a product that’s effective against pests yet gentle on the plant. It’s a delicate balance, akin to finding a medicine that treats the ailment without side effects.

A Spectrum of Shields

The market shelves are lined with an array of defenses, each with its own mode of action and specialty. Chemical pesticides come with the firepower for severe infestations but carry a risk of collateral damage to both your plants and the environment. On the flip side, organic options like neem oil and insecticidal soaps pack a softer punch but are kinder to your indoor ecosystem. They’re like the difference between a sledgehammer and a scalpel; both can solve a problem, but one is certainly more precise.

Top Picks for Plant Protection

Neem oil is the seasoned veteran of plant defense, a jack-of-all-trades that disrupts the life cycles of pests at all stages. It’s like having a bodyguard that keeps watch over your plants day and night. Diatomaceous earth is the silent assassin, a fine powder that’s harmless to touch but deadly to any bug that crawls over it. Insecticidal soaps are the quick response team, safe for most plants and can be washed off easily, leaving no toxic residue.

Navigating the Chemical Maze with Caution

Handling these products should never be taken lightly. Imagine them as household cleaners; just as you wouldn’t leave bleach within reach of children, pesticides should be stored under lock and key. Personal protective equipment isn’t just for show. It’s the barrier between you and the potentially harmful effects of these substances.

When it comes down to it, your arsenal against pests should be chosen with care, precision, and a heavy dose of respect for the health of your plants and your environment. With the right product in hand and safety at the forefront, you’re ready to defend your leafy oasis against any invaders.

Establishing a Pest-Free Sanctuary with Regular Care

For Denver’s plant enthusiasts, maintaining a pest-free environment for indoor greenery requires vigilance and routine. It’s not unlike the upkeep of a beloved vehicle; regular checks and maintenance are what keep it running smoothly, preventing issues from escalating.

Rhythms in Plant Care

Just as the Mile-High City cycles through its seasons, your plants need a cyclical approach to pest prevention. This isn’t a once-off treatment; it’s a schedule as regular as your morning coffee. Tailoring your plant care program to the individual needs of each species, the conditions of your home, and the shifting seasons can be as crucial as the strategic placement of a garden to get the right amount of sunlight.

Proactive Plant Check-Ups

Imagine your routine plant inspection like a doctor’s regular health check. You’re looking for symptoms — spots on leaves, suspicious webbing, or the tell-tale signs of unwelcome tiny tenants. Early intervention here is similar to catching a cold before it turns into pneumonia; deal with pests early, and avoid the more significant headache of an infested plants.

Welcoming Allies in Organic Defense

The growing preference for organic pest solutions is akin to the trend towards organic foods; it’s about purity and minimal impact on the surrounding environment. Releasing ladybugs into your home may seem like inviting nature indoors, but these little warriors munch on harmful pests with gusto. Beneficial nematodes, too, are an invisible army, taking down pest larvae right in the soil.

Crafting Your Eco-Friendly Arsenal

Rolling up your sleeves and mixing a batch of homemade pest deterrents can be as rewarding as baking bread from scratch. Using common kitchen ingredients like garlic or chili can be surprisingly effective. These remedies are gentle on the planet and your pocket, giving peace of mind with every spritz.

Cultivating Plant Vitality

Healthy plants, much like healthy people, are less likely to succumb to illness. Ensuring your indoor garden gets enough light, water, and nutrients is like feeding your body with wholesome foods to keep diseases at bay. A robust plant is a fortress in itself, often deterring pests from taking hold in the first place.

Joining Forces with Animal Pest Control, Inc

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, pests can gain a foothold. That’s where we come in. Animal Pest Control, Inc. is not just a service; it’s a partnership.

Trust us to bring a professional edge to your pest management. Our expertise means we’re equipped to handle the pests that Colorado throws at us. By entrusting your plants to our care, you’re choosing a stress-free path to a pest-free home.

Denverites, we’re just a call away. When it comes to keeping your indoor plants in tip-top shape, we’re your local green thumbs up. Let Animal Pest Control, Inc. be your guide and guard in the fight against pests. Connect with us, and let your indoor garden flourish under our watchful eyes.

How to Keep Bugs Out of Your Food Pantry

Sunday, October 15, 2023

In the beautiful Mile High City, where nature thrives and urban life bustles, there’s a small battle being waged in our very homes—against bugs in our food storage areas. Keeping our food pantry, pet food, and trash cans bug-free is more than just a cleanliness fetish; it’s about safeguarding our health and our homes from the teeny critters that seek to invade. This guide offers a local’s arsenal of tips and introduces Animal Pest Control, Inc., your Denver ally in keeping your living space sanitary and serene.

Why a Bug-Free Pantry is Vital

A pantry without pests is like a castle with an impenetrable wall—it’s essential for your safety. Here in Denver, where we balance city living with the call of the wild, this is even more crucial. Pests are not just unsightly, hey are carriers of disease and destroyers of your hard-earned groceries.

Insects such as weevils in your flour or moths in your oats can lead to waste, as contaminated goods must be thrown out, and they may carry health risks from the pathogens they spread. And let’s not forget the economic pinch; replacing spoiled food strains your budget, and in these times, who needs additional financial worries?

Keeping your pantry pristine isn’t just about aesthetics or avoiding the creepy-crawly factor; it’s a fundamental practice to protect both your family’s health and your finances. We’ve all experienced that sinking feeling when discovering a beloved snack has become a bug buffet. It’s not just about tossing out the old cereal box; it’s recognizing the uninvited guests can rapidly multiply, leading to larger pest infestations that are harder to control and potentially costlier.

Common Denver Pantry Pests

In Denver, the change of seasons and our unique geography make our pantries a haven for pests. We’re talking about pantry moths that lay eggs in your grains, turning them into a breeding ground, or beetles that burrow into your nuts and seeds. Ants march in lines toward sweet spills, and cockroaches, those hardy survivors, can slip through cracks seeking crumbs. They’re not just in your home for the high altitude experience; they’re there to feast and nest.

These bugs have a knack for finding the smallest openings to set up their new home right in the middle of your provisions. Once inside, they can quickly become a persistent problem. Insects like these have impressive survival strategies, making them particularly adept at spreading throughout your pantry goods undetected. It’s crucial to understand their behaviors to combat them effectively—moths, for instance, are attracted to light and can often be found fluttering near well-lit areas, whereas beetles might prefer darker, undisturbed corners.

Best Practices for a Shipshape Pantry

Now, let’s talk defense. Organizing your pantry is the frontline tactic against these unwanted invaders. High altitude means drier air in Denver, which can lead to stale snacks if not stored properly.

But did you know it also influences how insects behave and breed? That’s why keeping your pantry cool and dry is paramount. Storing dry food items off the floor on shelves is a simple move with big returns—it keeps potential pest magnets out of reach.

Wipe down these pantry shelves regularly. Spills are like a dinner bell for bugs, and prompt clean-up discourages their arrival. Be vigilant with perishables; rotating your stock is as important as a Broncos game strategy. Keep newer items at the back and bring older ones to the front, ensuring nothing gets forgotten and turns into a pest playground.

Airtight Containers: A Denverite’s Best Defense

Invest in quality airtight containers. This is your secret weapon against the critters, as these containers lock out pests while keeping your food fresh. They’re especially important in Denver’s variable climate. Glass or heavy-duty plastic containers with secure lids will protect your food from both bugs and the elements, and they make your pantry staples last longer—a win-win for you and your wallet.

But let’s take it a step further. How you store your airtight containers can also impact their efficacy. Ensure they’re placed in a cool, dry part of the pantry, away from the oven or dishwasher which could cause heat and moisture to compromise their seal.

And consider the size—opt for containers that match the quantity of food you buy. Overly large containers for a small amount of food mean extra air that can lead to quicker spoilage.

Proactive Steps to a Pest-Proof Pantry

Consistent checks and cleanliness are your routine patrols in the pest-prevention mission. Denver homes are as susceptible to seasonal changes as the great outdoors, and pests seek shelter when it starts to cool. Remove anything expired or showing signs of pest infestation immediately. If you spot a single weevil or moth, act fast—where there’s one, there are often more hiding.

Sealing your pantry off from invaders is essential. Caulk any cracks or holes in walls or around baseboards, and install door sweeps on pantry doors. These simple fixes can close the paths pests use to enter.

Consider the integration of natural repellents into your regimen. Plant-based options like mint, which pests detest, can be a soft but effective barrier. Even simple household substances like vinegar or essential oils can create an environment that’s less than inviting to bugs.

Natural Remedies for a Pest-Resistant Pantry

In Denver, where the great outdoors seamlessly blends with urban living, natural remedies are a popular choice for those looking to maintain the community ethos of living in tune with nature. These methods not only address concerns with insects but can also extend to deterring larger pests such as mice and voles, which are attracted to the same food sources.

  • Herbs like bay leaves and spices such as cinnamon can be potent deterrents against pantry pests. Tuck bay leaves into your canisters of flour, rice, and pasta—bugs despise their scent. Similarly, a few drops of peppermint oil on cotton balls placed strategically around the pantry can help to discourage mice and voles, who find the scent off-putting.
  • A sprinkle of cinnamon or cloves around the pantry can act as a natural barrier against ants and other insects, and the strong odor can also be unappealing to the sensitive noses of rodents, making it a dual-purpose deterrent.
  • DIY traps are also effective and easy to craft. Vinegar, for instance, is a powerful tool. Create a trap by mixing apple cider vinegar with a drop of dish soap; the scent lures fruit flies in, while the soap traps them. For mice, a simple humane trap baited with peanut butter can capture these critters without harm, allowing for their release far from your home.

These natural methods not only keep your pantry free from bugs but also help in controlling the presence of mice and voles, all while maintaining the quality of your home’s air, free from harsh chemicals.

Keeping Bugs Out Of Pet Food

Our pets are family, and their food deserves as much protection as ours. In Denver, where wildlife is more than just a scenic background, securing pet food is crucial. It’s not uncommon for the scent of pet food to attract not just insects but also larger critters. Airtight containers are just as effective here, providing an odor-proof and pest-proof solution.

Regularly cleaning your pet’s feeding area is a must. Leftover kibbles can invite ants and other insects, so ensure bowls are cleaned after each meal and that no food is left to sit out. And don’t forget about water bowls—a few drops of vinegar can deter bugs without affecting your pet.

Innovative Storage for Pet Food

Denver’s dynamic climate demands that we be savvy about pet food storage. Apart from airtight containers, consider specialized pet food bins that come with an additional seal or locking mechanisms, designed to withstand the jaws and claws of larger pests. Place these containers off the ground to make it even harder for bugs and other animals to sniff them out.

When serving your pets, try not to leave food out for prolonged periods. This is not just about cleanliness; it’s about breaking the cycle of attraction and access for pests. Establish a feeding routine—feed at the same times daily and promptly remove and clean the bowls afterward.

Prevent Pests from Finding Food in Garbage Cans

Garbage cans are like a beacon for pests if not managed properly. In Denver, where summer heat can intensify odors, it’s critical to have a strategy for waste management. Clean your bins regularly to prevent buildup of food debris and use sturdy bags that are less likely to rip and spill. Secure the lids tightly; if necessary, use bungee cords or weights to keep them closed and inaccessible to animals like raccoons, which are common in the area.

To further safeguard your trash cans, consider a variety of deterrents. Motion-activated lights can startle nocturnal pests like raccoons, while ultrasonic devices emit frequencies uncomfortable for pests but inaudible to humans. And don’t forget the power of natural repellents—essential oils like eucalyptus or peppermint oil can be sprinkled around cans to ward off insects and other pests.

In Denver, where city life meets the beauty of the Rockies, maintaining a pest-free environment is as much a part of home care as snow removal in winter or garden upkeep in the spring. With these tailored tips and support from local pest control company experts like Animal Pest Control, Inc., you can enjoy your urban oasis without the worry of uninvited guests in your pantry, pet food, or trash.

Remember, it’s not just about reacting to pests, but establishing a preventive routine that keeps them at bay. Embrace these practices and live harmoniously in the Mile High City, confident that your home is a fortress against pests.

Underground Garden Pests? Protect Your Lawn

Sunday, October 1, 2023

When it comes to keeping a garden or lawn healthy and green, there’s often more going on under the surface than what you can see. Underground pest infestations can cause damage to your outdoor areas that might not be obvious at first.

We look at the world of garden and lawn pests and the different kinds of creatures, such as prairie dogs, moles, voles, and gophers that tend to live underground.

We will identify the signs to look for and, most importantly, learn how Animal Pest Control, Inc can be your trusted partner in addressing these issues in the Denver, Colorado area.

Common Underground Garden Pests

Meet the Culprits

Underground pests come in many different shapes and sizes, and each one can hurt your garden in a different way. Let’s look at some of the most common underground garden pests in more detail:

  • Gophers: These small, burrowing rodents are notorious for creating underground tunnels and mounds that can turn your beautiful garden into a maze of destruction. Gophers feast on plant roots, causing wilting and death.
  • Moles: Often confused with gophers, moles primarily feed on insects and white grubs, but they can damage plants while tunneling.
  • Voles: Voles are plant-eating rodents that can devour the roots and stems of your garden, leading to significant losses.
  • Ground squirrels: These critters are known to cause problems in gardens.
  • Nematodes: Microscopic worms that infect plant roots, nematodes can stunt growth and affect the overall health of your garden.
  • Prairie Dogs: These burrowing mammals can dig extensive tunnel systems and are known for eating plant roots.

Animal Pest Control, Inc has a team of experts well-versed in identifying and treating these underground pests. Our knowledge and experience enable us to tailor effective solutions to your specific pest problems.

Identifying Signs of Underground Garden Pests

Reading the Clues

Detecting underground garden pests early is crucial to minimizing damage. Keep an eye out for the following signs:

  • Mounds and Tunnels: Gophers and moles leave distinctive mounds and tunnels across your garden.
  • Wilting Plants: If your plants suddenly wilt without apparent cause, their roots may be under attack.
  • Bite Marks: Voles leave behind telltale bite marks on the stems of plants.
  • Stunted Growth: Nematode-infested plants may exhibit stunted growth or discoloration.

Effective Methods for Controlling Underground Garden Pests

Taking Back Your Garden

To regain control of your garden from underground pests, there are several effective methods to consider. You can opt for trapping, using live traps and repellents to tackle gophers and moles. Another option is fumigation, which helps eliminate these troublesome critters by targeting their tunnels.

Additionally, selecting plants that are less appealing to pests can act as a natural deterrent. Finally, you can explore nematode management, employing beneficial nematodes to control harmful nematode populations in your garden.

Animal Pest Control, Inc provides comprehensive pest control services, including these methods, to help you regain control of your garden.

Types of Pests that Damage Lawns Underground

Lurking Below the Surface

Your lawn isn’t safe from the underground pest menace either. Common culprits include grubs, which are beetle larvae that feed on grass roots, resulting in unsightly brown patches and weakened turf. Billbugs, on the other hand, tunnel within grass stems, causing yellowing and eventual death in affected areas. Nematodes, often targeting roots in lawns, can lead to thinning and unhealthy turf.

Identifying Signs of Underground Pest Damage on Lawns

The Lawn Whisperers

Timely action is important when it comes to recognizing signs of underground pest damage on your lawn. Keep an eye out for patchy grass, with irregular patches of discolored or dead grass often signaling grub infestations. If your grass starts wilting or turning yellow, it could be a sign of billbug damage. Additionally, nematode-infested lawns may display thinning, unhealthy turf in certain areas.

Techniques for Controlling Underground Lawn Pests

Reclaim Your Green Space

When you find yourself facing underground lawn pests, consider these effective techniques. Start with biological control, where beneficial nematodes can work wonders in controlling grub and nematode populations. In more severe cases, targeted insecticides may become necessary for effective treatment. And remember, maintaining your lawn with proper care practices can go a long way in preventing future pest infestations.

Reputable Pest Control Companies for Underground Pest Control in Denver, Colorado

Choosing the Right Partner

In Denver, Colorado, pest control options abound, but not all are equipped for underground pest control. That’s where Animal Pest Control, Inc sets itself apart. Our expertise shines with a dedicated team possessing in-depth knowledge of local pests and their behaviors.

We pride ourselves on providing customized solutions, ensuring effectiveness by tailoring our approach to your unique pest problem. With years of experience, we’ve earned a reputation for delivering reliable and efficient service.

Services Offered by Professional Underground Pest Control Companies

Comprehensive Solutions

Professional underground pest control companies offer a range of services, including:

  • Pest Identification: Accurate identification of the pest is the first step towards effective control.
  • Treatment Plans: Customized plans to eliminate the pests while minimizing environmental impact.
  • Preventive Measures: Strategies to prevent future infestations and protect your outdoor spaces.

Animal Pest Control, Inc provides all these services and more, ensuring your peace of mind.

Cost of Professional Underground Pest Control in Denver, Colorado

Investing in Your Outdoor Spaces

The type of pest, the extent of the infestation, and the size of the affected area can all affect the price of expert underground pest control services. Denver, Colorado households should prepare to spend a reasonable amount on pest control for their plants and lawns.

Animal Pest Control, Inc offers competitive pricing for our expert pest control services. We believe that safeguarding your outdoor spaces should be accessible and affordable.

In the battle against underground garden and lawn pests, knowledge and expertise are your greatest allies. It’s crucial to address these issues promptly to protect your outdoor spaces and ensure their vitality.

Animal Pest Control, Inc, with its team of experienced professionals, tailored solutions, and commitment to the Denver, Colorado community, is here to help you every step of the way. Don’t let underground pests undermine the beauty of your gardens and lawns. Contact us today to reclaim your outdoor paradise.

Allergies and Pests: Information Every Homeowner Should Know

Friday, September 15, 2023

As a homeowner, you take pride in keeping your home clean and secure for your family. So, what happens when unwelcome pests start causing allergies and discomfort? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of pest allergies, addressing common concerns and offering insights into how Animal Pest Control, Inc can assist you in managing these issues. From bed bugs to stink bugs, we’ve got you covered.

Bed Bugs

Can You Be Allergic to Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are known for being sneaky and eating at night, and they can get into even the cleanest homes. But can bed bugs make you sick? The answer is yes, and understanding bed bug allergies is important to recognizing and managing them effectively.

Explanation of Bed Bug Allergies

Bed bug allergies result from the proteins found in bed bug saliva, which are injected into the host’s skin during feeding. Some people may develop allergic reactions to these proteins. Although not everyone has an allergy to bed bugs, those who do can have a variety of symptoms.

Symptoms of a Bed Bug Allergy

Common signs of a bed bug allergy include:

  • Itchy Skin: One of the most noticeable symptoms is intense itching at the site of the insect bite.
  • Redness and Swelling: Bed bug bites often lead to red, swollen welts on the skin.
  • Skin Rashes: In some cases, bed bug bites can cause a widespread rash.
  • Respiratory Issues: In rare cases, individuals with severe allergies may experience asthma-like symptoms.

Treating a Bed Bug Allergy

See a medical expert if you believe you may be allergic to bed bugs. To relieve symptoms, they may suggest medications such as hydrocortisone cream or oral antihistamines. However, removing the infestation itself is the best method to control bed bug allergies.

Action Steps

  • Consult a medical expert for proper diagnosis and treatment.
  • Contact a professional pest control service to eliminate the bed bug infestation.

Other Insect Allergies

Can You Be Allergic to Bug Bites?

Beyond bed bugs, numerous other insects can also trigger allergies through their bites. It’s essential for a peaceful home atmosphere to recognize these allergies and how to control them.

Bug bite allergies can be caused by bites from mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, fire ants and other insects. Some people may have allergic reactions to these insect bites, though not everyone reacts the same way.

Bugs That Cause Allergic Reactions from Bites

Common bugs known to cause allergic reactions from their bites or stings include:

  • Mosquitoes: Mosquito bites often lead to itchy red welts, and some people may experience more severe reactions.
  • Fleas: Flea bites can cause intense itching and, in some cases, allergic dermatitis.
  • Ticks: Certain tick bites can transmit diseases like Lyme disease, which can lead to severe allergic reactions.
  • Chiggers: Chigger bites can result in itchy, blister-like bumps.

Preventing and Managing Allergies from Bug Bites

To minimize the risk of bug bite allergies, take the following precautions:

  • Use Insect Repellent: Apply insect repellent when spending time outdoors.
  • Wear Protective Clothing: Cover exposed skin with long sleeves and pants, especially in mosquito-prone areas.
  • Check for Ticks: After spending time outdoors, thoroughly check your body for ticks and remove them promptly.

Action Steps

  • Use insect repellent when outdoors.
  • Call a professional pest control service if infestation is suspected.

General Bug Allergies

Bug allergies can extend beyond specific insects and encompass a range of reactions to various bugs. Let’s take a look at this broader category of allergies.

Insect allergies can cause a variety of reactions, ranging from minor itching and redness to more serious signs and symptoms, including hives, swelling, and, in rare instances, anaphylaxis. Contact with bugs, their saliva, or their droppings can set off these allergies.

Symptoms of Bug Allergies

Identifying allergic reactions to bugs can be challenging, as symptoms vary widely. Common symptoms include:

  • Itching and irritation: Often the first signs of an allergic reaction.
  • Swelling: Swelling around the affected area, particularly if bitten or stung.
  • Hives: Raised, itchy welts on the skin.
  • Respiratory Symptoms: Wheezing, coughing, or shortness of breath in severe cases.

Stink Bug Allergies

Can you be allergic to stink bugs? Stink bugs are notorious for their unpleasant odor, but can they also trigger allergies? Let’s explore the potential allergic reactions to stink bugs and how to prevent them.

Symptoms of Stink Bug Allergies

Stink bug allergies are relatively uncommon but not unheard of. Allergic reactions to stink bugs can manifest as:

  • Skin Irritation: Contact with stink bug secretions may cause skin irritation, especially in those with sensitive skin.
  • Respiratory Issues: Inhaling stink bug odors can lead to mild respiratory discomfort in some individuals.

Preventing Stink Bug Allergies

To prevent stink bug allergies, consider the following tips:

  • Seal Entry Points: Ensure your home is well-sealed to prevent stink bugs from entering.
  • Proper Disposal: If you encounter stink bugs, use gloves and dispose of them carefully to avoid contact with their secretions.
  • Professional Pest Control: Animal Pest Control, Inc can help you eliminate stink bug infestations, reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

Action Steps

  • Keep your home sealed to prevent entry.
  • Dispose of stink bugs carefully to avoid skin contact with their secretions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I know if I’m allergic to a specific bug? If you’ve been bitten or stung and you’re experiencing symptoms like itching, redness, or swelling, an allergy might be the culprit. To be sure, consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis and tailored treatment options.
  2. What is the best over-the-counter medication for insect bite allergies? While hydrocortisone creams and oral antihistamines like Benadryl are often recommended, it’s best to consult with your doctor. They can guide you to the most effective treatment for your individual needs.
  3. How often should I get my home inspected for pests? This can depend on various factors, including your location and any history of past infestations. A good rule of thumb is to arrange for a professional inspection at least annually for preventive measures.

In the Denver area, stink bugs can become a nuisance, and their secretions may pose a minor allergy risk. Animal Pest Control, Inc offers expert stink bug prevention and removal services, ensuring your home remains stink bug-free.

Pests can indeed trigger allergies, causing discomfort and health concerns for homeowners. It’s critical to be aware of any potential allergies in your environment, including bed bugs, other bug bites, and even stink bugs.

In the Denver, Colorado, area, Animal Pest Management, Inc. is your dependable pest management partner that will help mitigate your particular pest allergies. Contact us today for knowledgeable advice, and don’t let pest allergies ruin your peace of mind. The health of your family is our primary priority.

Attic Pest Control: How to Remove & Prevent Unwanted Guests

Friday, September 1, 2023

The attic, often a treasure trove of memories and old belongings, plays a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy home environment. However, when pests invade this space, they can compromise both your home’s structural integrity and your families health.

Effective attic pest control is not just about avoiding the ‘ick’ factor; it ensures the safety, health, and peace of mind of your family. Animal Pest Control, Inc offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to address all your attic pest control needs, ensuring your home remains a sanctuary. 

How Animal Pest Control, Inc Can Help with Attic Pest Control

With years of experience under our belt, we at Animal Pest Control, Inc bring specialized knowledge to the table, ensuring effective pest removal from the attic. Our services encompass every aspect of attic pest control, tailored to your specific needs. We understand the importance of your furry friends, and our solutions are designed to be both effective against pests and safe for pets.

Effective Methods for Removing Pests from the Attic

Effective pest removal begins with a thorough inspection to identify the culprits, be it rodents, insects, or birds. Depending on the identified pests, specialized trapping and removal techniques are employed to ensure they’re evicted effectively. We prioritize the use of methods that are not only safe for your home but also environmentally responsible.

Why Hiring a Professional for Pest Removal from the Attic is Important

While the DIY approach might seem tempting, it comes with risks. Incorrect removal can exacerbate the problem and even pose health risks. Professionals bring along not just expertise but also the right tools for the job, ensuring effective and safe pest removal. With a professional service, you’re not just getting a one-time solution but a long-term strategy to keep your attic pest-free.

Signs of Pest Infestation in the Attic

It’s really important to spot the initial signs of an infestation allowing you to take swift action and stop the issue before it becomes a bigger headache. Let’s take a closer look at the unmistakable signs that pests might have decided to make themselves at home in your attic:

  • Droppings: Depending on the pest, these can vary in size and shape. For instance, mouse droppings are typically small and pellet-like, while larger pests like raccoons will leave behind more substantial droppings.
  • Nocturnal Noises: If you’re hearing scratching, scurrying, or rustling sounds in the dead of night, it’s a good indication that pests are active in your attic. Rodents, in particular, are nocturnal and become most active during the night.
  • Unpleasant Odors: Pest droppings, urine, or even the pests themselves can cause a strong, musty smell that can be a sign of attic pest infestation. In severe cases, a decaying smell might indicate a deceased animal in the attic.
  • Damaged Insulation and Wiring: Rodents and other pests have a habit of chewing on building materials. If you notice torn insulation, gnawed wires, or other structural damages, it’s a strong suggestion of their presence. This not only indicates a pest problem but can also become a fire hazard if electrical wires are left exposed.
  • Nests or Bedding Materials: Pests often create cozy hideouts for themselves. Discovering nests made of shredded paper, leaves, or other materials is a clear sign of an infestation.
  • Physical Sightings: While pests are often illusive, you might occasionally spot one. Whether it’s a fleeting glimpse of a mouse tail or a more brazen raccoon, any pest sighting should be taken seriously.
  • Tracks or Smudge Marks: Some pests, especially rodents, can leave behind tracks or smudge marks along the paths they frequently travel. These marks are often left by the oils and dirt on their bodies and can be found along walls or floorboards.

Prompt intervention can prevent a minor pest problem from ballooning into a full-blown infestation, saving both time and money in the long run. By staying aware and recognizing these signs early on, homeowners can take proactive steps in addressing the issue. 

How to Identify Common Pests Found in Attics

Different pests pose different challenges. Rodents might chew through wires, while birds could block vents. Each pest has unique behaviors and characteristics.

For instance, bats might leave behind a particular type of dropping, while rats might leave gnaw marks. Knowing what to look for, from droppings to nesting materials, can help you identify your unwanted guests.

Prevention Tips for Attic Pest Control

Prevention starts with making sure pests can’t get in. Regularly inspect for and seal any potential entry points. A well-insulated and ventilated attic is less appealing to pests, and a clean attic is a less attractive nesting ground for pests.

Choosing the Right Pest Control Service for Attic Pest Control

When choosing a pest control service, factors such as reputation, experience, and certifications are essential. A reputable service provider with the right certifications ensures peace of mind. Before committing, always request a detailed consultation and quote to understand what you’re getting.

DIY Steps for Getting Pests Out of the Attic

If you’re considering the DIY route, always prioritize safety. Ensure you’re equipped with the right protective gear. From inspection to removal, follow a systematic approach to ensure effectiveness.

However, recognize when a problem is beyond DIY. If in doubt, it’s always best to call in the professionals.

Attic pest control is not just about maintaining a clean home; it’s about ensuring the health and safety of its inhabitants. With the expertise of Animal Pest Control, Inc, you’re not just getting a service; you’re investing in peace of mind.

How Does Pest Infestation Affect Human Health?

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

We uncover the often-overlooked but pivotal impact of pests on human health. At Animal Pest Control, Inc, we strive to illuminate the intricate links between pests and public health in Denver, Colorado.

From common rodents to bed bugs, pigeons to cockroaches, these creatures may not seem dangerous, but they can cause a wide range of health problems if they are not stopped.

Understanding the Effects of Pests on Human Health

Pests aren’t just inconvenient, they can be very dangerous to people’s health. These uninvited guests include common household pests like rodents, bats, pigeons, bedbugs, house flies, fleas, and food beetles. The fact that they can carry and spread diseases is a real worry.

At the same time, their mere presence can trigger allergies, asthma, and more. Recognizing these health hazards is the first step in our proactive pest management approach at Animal Pest Control, Inc.

Serious Consequences of Pest-Transmitted Diseases

Disease transmission is one of the most serious risks brought on by pests. These small hitchhikers carry potentially fatal diseases like salmonella, hantavirus, Lyme disease, and West Nile virus. Mosquitoes, ticks, and rodents spread these diseases, highlighting how crucial pest control is. The risk of exposure to these dangerous infections can be significantly decreased by taking immediate action against pest infestations.

The presence of pests can significantly impact respiratory health. Bugs, dust mites, and rodents in homes can make asthma and allergies worse, causing wheezing and coughing. Animal Pest Control, Inc wants to help you create a pest-free environment for healthy lungs.

Long-lasting Effects of Prolonged Pest Infestations

Allowing a pest infestation to persist untreated can have enduring consequences. Beyond the immediate health risks, pests can negatively affect mental well-being, manifesting as insomnia, anxiety, and stress.

At Animal Pest Control, Inc, we have two goals. Our first goal is to eliminate pests. Our second goal is to create a comfortable and peaceful environment in your home.

The Perils of Cockroach Infestations

Cockroach infestations extend beyond aesthetics, posing significant health threats. These creatures carry and spread bacteria, pathogens, and allergens, which can cause allergic reactions and breathing problems. Animal Pest Control, Inc has the knowledge and tools to deal with cockroach problems, keeping your home safe and healthy.

Rodents: More Than Mere Pests

Rodents like mice and rats aren’t just known for causing damage to property; they can also carry diseases that are dangerous to people’s health. From leptospirosis to hantavirus, these pests can transmit severe illnesses through their droppings and urine. Animal Pest Control, Inc. takes rodent control very seriously. We use methods that get rid of rodents and protect your health.

Confronting the Bed Bug Challenge

Bed bugs, despite their small size, can cause severe discomfort. Itchy welts and allergic reactions result from their bites. Additionally, the stress of dealing with a bed bug infestation can have an adverse effect on mental health, causing anxiety and sleep problems. Animal Pest Control, Inc. is prepared to deliver efficient solutions that exterminate these pests quickly.

Putting Human Safety First with Eco-Friendly Pest Control

Our dedication to the environment and your health at Animal Pest Control, Inc. is unwavering. We use eco-friendly pest control techniques to effectively manage pests while protecting you and your family from dangerous chemicals. This decision benefits the environment as well as your immediate health.

Nature provides us with effective pest control methods that are safe for human health. Animal Pest Control, Inc. is skilled at using natural techniques to prevent pests without using dangerous chemicals. We provide you with methods to maintain a pest-free environment, such as sealing entry points and using natural repellents.

Pest Control Health and Safety

Your safety comes first when it comes to pest control measures. Animal Pest Control, Inc. has an unwavering commitment to making sure that our methods are both completely safe for your health and effective at removing pests. We have complete confidence in our ability to handle all of your pest concerns with accuracy and empathy because our skilled experts are trained to implement measures that reduce potential risks.

Animal Pest Control, Inc., your go-to source for trustworthy advice on pest management and public health, is steadfast in assisting you in understanding the significant influence pests have on your well-being. Our goal is to protect your health while providing customized solutions that are perfectly suited to Denver, Colorado, from the diseases that pests spread to the symbiotic relationship between pests and respiratory problems.

Connect with us right away for knowledgeable advice and support that puts your well-being and safety first. Don’t let pest problems get worse.

Does Homeowner Insurance Cover Pest Control?

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Welcome to the world of homeowners insurance, a realm where understanding your coverage can save you from potential headaches. One question that often arises is, “Does homeowners insurance cover pest control, pest damage, and pest removal?” This is undoubtedly a legitimate concern, especially considering the potential havoc that pests can cause in your home. Let’s dive into the specifics and clear up any uncertainties.

What is Homeowner Insurance?

Homeowner insurance is a type of property insurance that covers losses and damages to an individual’s house and to the assets within the home. It typically provides coverage for:

  • Interior and exterior property damage
  • Loss or damage of personal belongings
  • An injury that arises while on the property

But what about pests? Let’s find out.

Types of Pests Covered by Homeowner Insurance

Homeowner insurance policies vary significantly, but they generally cover damage caused by pests that are sudden and accidental. This coverage is typically designed to protect homeowners from unexpected and unpreventable incidents that can lead to significant structural damage. These are some of the pests that are often included in this coverage.

Carpenter Ants:

Carpenter ants are notorious for their ability to cause substantial damage to wooden structures. Unlike termites, they don’t eat the wood but rather hollow it out to build their nests, which can compromise the structural integrity of a home. If a previously unknown carpenter ant infestation causes sudden damage, your homeowner’s insurance may cover the costs of repairs.


Termites are another pest that can cause severe damage to a home. They feed on wood, and over time, a termite infestation can lead to significant structural damage. In the unfortunate event that a termite infestation unexpectedly results in a significant incident like a collapsed beam or wall, your homeowner’s insurance could potentially address the ensuing damage. It’s crucial to bear in mind that numerous insurance policies might not extend coverage to damages that accumulate gradually over time due to insufficient maintenance or pest control measures.

Other Insects:

There are other insects, too, that can cause structural damage to a home. For instance, certain types of beetles and bees can also damage wood structures. Beetles can bore into wood to lay their eggs, and over time, this can weaken the structure.

Bees, on the other hand, can create hives within walls, leading to potential structural issues and hazards from hive removal. Should these infestations result in abrupt and accidental damage, there’s a possibility that your homeowner’s insurance may offer coverage.

It’s important to remember that the extent of coverage frequently depends on the particulars of the situation and the type of damage incurred. For instance, if an infestation has persisted for a considerable amount of time and you haven’t taken steps to rectify it, your insurance provider might regard it as a maintenance-related matter and potentially reject your claim. It is usually wise to promptly tackle any indications of pest infestation and periodically review your insurance policy to fully understand your amount of coverage.

Limits, Exclusions, and Understanding Pest Damage Coverage in Homeowner Insurance

Navigating homeowner insurance in relation to pest control and the resulting damage can prove to be quite frustrating. While certain pests might fall under coverage, it’s important for homeowners to be aware of limits and exclusions.

It’s essential to understand that homeowner insurance frequently excludes damage that arises from negligence. In practical terms, if pests have been steadily causing deterioration to your property over an extended period and you haven’t taken any corrective action, your claim could be denied. Insurance policies are primarily intended to aid homeowners in recovering from unforeseen incidents rather than issues that have been allowed to escalate over time.

For instance, in the scenario of an unforeseen termite infestation causing damage, your policy could potentially cover the expenses for repairs. However, if an inspection uncovers a termite issue that has persisted for years, your insurer might perceive this as a maintenance-related matter and potentially reject your claim.

This underscores the significance of consistent home upkeep, including pest control measures. Not only does this upkeep sustain the condition of your home, but it also enhances the likelihood of receiving coverage should an unexpected pest-related problem arise.

Initiating a claim for damage caused by pests can be complex. This typically involves meticulous documentation of the damage, presenting proof of the sudden and unforeseen nature of the infestation, and collaborating with an insurance adjuster to evaluate the extent of the damage.

Some policies might offer additional coverage alternatives for pest control, so it’s sensible to verify this with your insurer. These options could include particular endorsements or riders that extend extra coverage for specific forms of pest-related damage.

Even though homeowner insurance can offer a measure of protection against pest-induced damage, it shouldn’t replace routine pest control and maintenance. Awareness of the parameters and exceptions of your policy, along with the steps for initiating a claim, can help you navigate the often intricate landscape of homeowner insurance and pest control.

Types of Pest Damage Covered by Homeowner Insurance

Typically, homeowner insurance policies cover damages caused by pests that aren’t deemed preventable, such as unforeseen termite infestations or harm originating from a beehive in the wall. It’s necessary to recognize that each scenario is distinct, and coverage can differ based on the specifics of your policy and the nature of the damage.

  • Termite Damage: Termite damage can be extensive and costly. These insects can secretly chew through wood, flooring, and even wallpaper, posing a threat to the structure of a home. In the event of a termite infestation culminating in swift and substantial damage, like a wall or ceiling collapse, there’s a possibility your homeowner’s insurance might extend coverage to the repair costs.
  • Bee Hive Damage: Bee hives within walls or ceilings can cause structural deterioration. The weight of a sizable hive can strain building components, and the extraction process itself can also inflict harm. If an in-wall beehive prompts sudden and inadvertent damage, it’s possible that your homeowner’s insurance could offer coverage.
  • Preventable Pest Damage: Conversely, harm caused by pests such as rats or mice, which are deemed preventable, might not fall under coverage. These rodents are commonly linked to unhygienic settings or readily available food supplies, and insurance providers generally perceive it as the homeowner’s obligation to avert these infestations.

Home Insurance Claims Process for Pest Damage

Initiating a claim for damage caused by pests can be elaborate, but comprehending the involved steps can simplify the procedure. Let’s take a closer look at the process:

  • Document the Damage: As soon as you notice the damage, start documenting. Take detailed photographs and make notes of what you observe.
  • Contact Your Insurance Company: Notify your insurer about the damage as soon as possible. They’ll guide you through the next steps of the claims process.
  • Work with an Adjuster: An insurance adjuster will likely visit your residence to assess the damage. They’ll establish the root cause of the damage and provide an estimate for repair costs.
  • Keep Evidence: Hold onto any evidence of the damage, like photographs or exterminator reports. These can be crucial in supporting your claim.

Homeowner Insurance Coverage for Pest Removal

While homeowner insurance may cover the cost of repairs from pest damage, it typically does not cover the cost of pest removal services. This stems from the fact that pest elimination is regularly regarded as a matter of upkeep, which is the homeowner’s responsibility.

However, there may be exceptions. For example, if the pest infestation is directly correlated with a covered hazard, such as a water leak, the expenses of pest removal could potentially be covered. Always check with your insurer to understand your coverage.

Professional Pest Removal Services

Enlisting the assistance of professional pest removal services can prove invaluable when contending with a pest infestation. These skilled specialists possess the expertise and necessary equipment to efficiently and securely eradicate pests from your home, curbing the risk of additional harm. While the expense might not always be covered by your insurance, the peace of mind and prospective savings stemming from averting further damage can make the investment worthwhile.

Steps to Take for Pest Removal if Insurance Doesn’t Cover It

If your insurance doesn’t cover pest removal, don’t panic. Start by:

  • Contacting a professional pest removal service for an assessment
  • Following their provided plan and cost estimate
  • Taking steps to prevent further damage, like sealing entry points and removing the food source

Animal Pest Control, Inc: How We Can Help

At Animal Pest Control, Inc., we specialize in handling all your pest-related needs. Be it an infestation, the need for damage repair, or the implementation of preventive measures, our team of specialists is prepared and ready to offer assistance. We understand the stress that a pest infestation can cause, and we’re committed to providing effective custom-tailored solutions to your specific circumstances.

So, does homeowners insurance cover pest damage, pest removal, and pest control? The answer is: it depends. It’s crucial to understand your policy’s specifics and consult with professionals for your unique situation. And remember, when it comes to pest-related issues, Animal Pest Control, Inc. is here to help.

Protecting Your Pets With Pet Friendly Pest Control

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Guaranteeing your pet’s safety during the process of pest control is a top priority. Your pets are a cherished part of the family and the question “Is pest control safe for pets?” has never been more important. In this article we will help you become acquainted with pet-friendly pest control methods, how to implement them effectively, and the ways pet-friendly pest control can benefit your pets.

Methods of Pet-Friendly Pest Control

Pet-friendly pest control is the process of managing and eliminating pests by the use of methods and products that are safe for your pets. These methods avoid chemicals and substances that could harm your pets and focus instead on options that are gentle yet effective.

There are several types of pet-friendly pest control methods that you can use:

  • Traps: Non-toxic traps capture pests without endangering pets. These can include simple snap traps for rodents or sticky traps for insects. They work by attracting pests into a contained space from which they cannot escape.
  • Natural Repellents: Essential oils and herbs can deter pests. These substances are often pleasant for humans and pets but unpleasant for pests. They can be sprayed around the home or used in diffusers.
  • Biological Control: Introducing natural predators of pests, like ladybugs for aphids, can be an effective strategy. This method works with nature to control pest populations. It’s important to ensure that the predators you introduce are native to your area and won’t disrupt the local ecosystem.
  • Physical Barriers: Netting, screens, and other barriers can keep pests out without harming pets. These can be particularly useful for garden areas or open windows.

Positive Benefits of Choosing Pet-Friendly Pest Control Solutions

Ensuring your pets are shielded from detrimental chemicals, diminishing their vulnerability to illnesses, and enhancing their overall state of health are just a handful of the numerous health advantages. Over time, the reduced stress stemming from limited chemical exposure contributes to the contentment and improved health of your beloved companions.

Understanding the Risks of Conventional Pest Control Methods for Pets

As guardians of our furry friends, it’s up to us to guarantee the safety and welfare of our beloved companions. This includes understanding the potential hazards linked to traditional approaches to pest control. Although these approaches frequently succeed in eradicating pests, they frequently hinge on chemicals that can pose risks and in certain instances, even prove fatal to our pets.

The hazards tied to these substances might not always be evident, underscoring the vital need for pet owners to familiarize themselves with potential threats. From poison created to eradicate rodents to insecticides that could trigger skin irritations or more severe responses in pets, each of these can present a distinctive assortment of hazards.

If you find yourself in a situation where you must use conventional pest control methods, it’s essential to take certain precautions to minimize the risk to your pets:

  • Read Labels Carefully: Look for warnings and follow instructions to minimize risks. If a product says it’s harmful to pets, believe it.
  • Keep Pets Away: Ensure pets are kept away from treated areas until it’s safe. This might mean keeping them indoors or in a separate part of the house during pest control treatment.
  • Consult a Veterinarian: If you suspect any form of exposure, seek professional medical advice immediately. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Exploring Natural and Organic Pest Control Options for Pets

In the realm of pest control alternatives that ensure pet safety, natural and organic techniques emerge as standout selections. Derived from the essence of nature, these methods are meticulously crafted to be non-toxic and secure for both pets and humans, embodying a more balanced approach to pest management.

How to Find Pet-Friendly Pest Control Companies

If you’re seeking expert assistance in pest control without compromising your pets’ well-being, it’s crucial to locate a company dedicated to pet-safe solutions. These companies understand the distinctive requirements of pet owners and present remedies that effectively address concerns while upholding the welfare of animals. When selecting pet-friendly pest control companies consider their certifications, customer feedback, and willingness to engage in direct conversations about their approach and philosophy

Animal Pest Control, Inc: Your Partner in Pet-Safe Pest Control

Animal Pest Control, Inc stands as a shining example in the field of professional pest control that prioritizes pets’ well-being. Their committed team of experts is deeply versed in practices that ensure pet safety and they offer tailored remedies that specifically address your requirements.

Acknowledging the individuality of every pet and home, they provide personalized solutions that factor in the kind of pests you’re contending with, the dimensions and arrangement of your residence, and the behaviors and necessities of your pets. Their professional staff is trained in cutting-edge pet-safe pest control techniques, armed with the expertise to manage a diverse range of pests without exposing your pets to risk. They exclusively employ the finest quality pet-friendly pest control services and products, assuring both efficacy and safety remain uncompromised.

In summary, prioritizing pet-friendly pest control is not just a trend, it’s imperative for every pet owner. This practice revolves around safeguarding the well-being and security of our cherished animal companions while proficiently addressing and eradicating pests within your residence. By comprehending the hazards tied to conventional pest control techniques and exploring the advantages of natural and organic alternatives, we have the power to forge a more secure atmosphere for both our pets and ourselves.

Benefits of Professional Pest Control: Why DIY Methods Won’t Suffice

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Understanding the benefits of pest control, especially of professional nature, is like owning a secret weapon against pesky invaders. Think about the Denver metro area, bustling with life, humans, and, well, pests too. This isn’t exclusive to Denver, but being home to a wide range of wildlife, the issue tends to be more prominent.

Homes or businesses infested with pests not only turn into a sanitary nightmare but also a structural hazard. And let’s face it, no one wants their dream house turned into a bug’s paradise. So, before we march into the battlefield of the benefits of hiring a professional pest control specialist, let’s first get to grips with the potential risks and the limitations of the ‘Do It Yourself’ approach.

Understanding the Risks of Animal Pest Infestations

Animal pests are like that uninvited guest who turns up to your party and ends up causing mayhem. They’re not just a nuisance; they can pose grave health risks. Picture a cute, innocent-looking dust mite nestled in your Denver home’s carpet. You wouldn’t even notice them, but they’re there, inducing allergies and even asthma.

Or, how about those nocturnal cockroaches, who seem harmless but are partying around your kitchen at night, spreading salmonella? Even worse, consider a venomous spider lurking in your basement, each bite potentially deadly.

Moreover, some types of pests such as termites are like the secret agents of the pest world. Silently, they cause extensive damage to our homes that can cost a small fortune to repair. Have you ever imagined that a tiny creature like an ant could short-circuit your precious appliances? Well, they can, and they will, given the opportunity.

The Limitations of DIY Animal Pest Control Methods

For those living in the Denver metro area, facing a pest problem often brings out the ‘handyman’ in us. We want to solve the issue ourselves. After all, there’s an undeniable satisfaction that comes from a successful DIY project.

But dealing with pests isn’t as straightforward as fixing a leaky faucet or painting a room. With pest control, the stakes are much higher, and the ‘Do It Yourself’ approach might not always cut it.

Why, you ask? One size does not fit all. Pests come in all shapes and sizes, and not all can be effectively tackled with over-the-counter solutions. Imagine trying to get rid of termites using a spray meant for roaches – not the best idea, right?

This is one of the significant limitations of DIY methods. The misuse of chemicals can also lead to ineffective control and, even worse, harm to non-target species or the homeowners themselves.

You wouldn’t want to treat a bee sting only to find out that it’s caused an allergic reaction, would you? So, before you decide to take matters into your own hands, remember that professionals exist for a reason. And this leads us to explore the benefits of a professional pest control company.

The Benefits of Professional Animal Pest Control

Ever considered why people invest in professional services, be it car maintenance, health care, or pest control? It’s because of the distinct benefits that come with expertise, training, and precision. So, let’s unpack the benefits of professional pest control services.

Firstly, just as a mechanic knows cars, pest control professionals are trained to handle a wide range of pests, from ants to zebra spiders. They’re the ‘pest whisperers,’ if you will. They understand pests, their habits, and their weaknesses. This expertise ensures an effective solution to your pest problems.

They are also equipped with the right tools and knowledge to deal with infestations effectively and safely. Imagine trying to fight a knight with a wooden sword; that’s what it’s like dealing with pests without the right equipment. Professionals, however, are well-armed for this battle.

And let’s not forget about the long-term solutions. With professional services, it’s not just about a quick fix; it’s about identifying the source of the infestation and providing advice on prevention measures. It’s like giving you the blueprint to a pest-free home. And that’s why understanding the benefits of professional pest control is crucial for homeowners, especially in pest-rich regions like the Denver metro area.

Ensuring Ethical and Humane Pest Control Practices

Living in the Denver metro area means co-existing with a diverse array of wildlife, some of which may find their way into your home. Dealing with these unwanted guests can often be a delicate process. One significant benefit of professional pest control services is their commitment to ethical and humane practices.

Imagine a group of raccoons took up residence in your garage. These furry bandits may be a nuisance, but they’re also living creatures deserving of respect.

Reputable pest control services adopt a responsible approach to pest management. They prioritize non-lethal methods where possible and ensure that any lethal methods are as quick and painless as possible. It’s about balancing the needs of the homeowner with the welfare of the wildlife.

Saving Time, Money, and Effort

There’s an old saying, “Time is money.” And anyone who has attempted DIY pest control can attest to the truth of this statement. Yes, DIY methods might seem cheaper initially, but the hidden costs can add up. The hours spent researching, the stress, the repeated attempts to eliminate pests, and still seeing no results – it can be disheartening, to say the least.

By investing in a professional pest control expert, you are saving money, significant time, and effort in the long run. Professional service offers quick and effective results. It’s like calling in the cavalry! You can then focus on other important aspects of your life, like spending time with your family or pursuing hobbies, without the worry of pests.

Peace of Mind and Stress Reduction

Let’s paint a picture here. You’ve tried the DIY route, spent hours, days, and maybe weeks trying to rid your Denver home of pests. But every night, the scurrying sounds in the attic return, the ant trail in your kitchen reappears, and you’re back to square one.

Now imagine a different scenario. You’ve handed over the task to professionals. You’re now free to enjoy your evenings, knowing that the problem is being taken care of effectively and safely. This peace of mind is perhaps one of the greatest benefits of pest control services.

You won’t have to worry about children or pets coming into contact with harmful pests or the chemicals used to control them. Instead, you can rest easy, knowing that your pest problem is in the safe and capable hands of professionals.

When we think about our homes, we envision a safe, clean, and peaceful space where we can relax and make memories. No one imagines sharing this space with uninvited pests. And that’s where understanding the benefits of professional pest control comes in handy. Especially for residents of the Denver metro area, this knowledge is a powerful tool.

From understanding the risks and limitations of DIY methods to exploring the benefits of professional pest control and pest removal, has hopefully shed light on why professional services like Animal Pest Control are so vital. They offer not just an immediate solution but also preventative measures, ethical practices, and a promise of peace of mind.


Why should I consider professional pest management services? 

Opting for the expertise of professional pest control teams delivers a safe, effective, and enduring answer to your pest troubles. Besides, it’s a great way to conserve your time and energy, while also guaranteeing that all procedures are conducted in an ethical and compassionate manner.


Are there limitations to DIY pest control methods? 

Yes, DIY pest control methods often have limitations in terms of effectiveness, safety, and long-term solutions. Misuse of chemicals can also occur.


Is professional pest control worth the cost? 

Yes, while there is a cost involved, the benefits of professional pest control such as effective and ethical pest management, time savings, and peace of mind make it a worthwhile investment. Ridding your home of unwelcome guests is about ensuring the safety and integrity of your home. In the end, the cost of professional services is a small price to pay. Next time you hear that scurry or spot that trail, remember – you’re not alone, and professional help is just a call away.

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We offer all the pest control services you need, including prevention, removal, and extermination.

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